Montag, 26. Dezember 2016
Mixed Media Postkarte, Schneemanns Winternacht Postcard, Snowman's Winternight
Again a swap in the Facebookgroup Facethescraps. I love swasp and I belong to several groups in Facebook (not only the ones I have created)
Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2016
Weekly Heart Art Intro
More time for Mini Art in 2017? With this video I start on Januray 2, 2017 a weekly series using Memory playing cards as Mini Canvases. The challenge will be to do it weekly and not taking more then 26 minutes. At the end of the year we gonna bind it into a Minibooklet. You can join me either at and/or, where you can post your pictures.
Montag, 19. Dezember 2016
Steampunk Journalpage Swap
I love Steampunk. Somehow I'm fascinated by gears, copperpipe and clothing influenced by the Victorian time. So the swap at the Facebookgroup DeConstructed Art Journal is a must for me. I did design some loose pages.
Montag, 12. Dezember 2016
Lichterkette / Holiday Lights
Now that the days are getting dark early I like to light up with chain of lights. This year I even made my own. In the video I show how to make one. The only supplies you need is a sewing machine, 2 x 24 stars from transparency foil and a chain of light of course. Have fun.
Montag, 28. November 2016
Weihnachtsbook / Christmas Book 2016
I'm in Christmas mood, that's why I have made a Christmasbook. You can see how I made it in the video, enjoy!
Freitag, 18. November 2016
Pretty soon it is Christmas. I made whimsical Christmas tags with napkins and more. Give them a try, they are easy.
Montag, 7. November 2016
Mixed Media Vintage Canvas
And here another video as a member of the Designteam for Gauche Alchemy. In my stash I have a lot of old photos and postcards. I scann them and prepare them for collages. Und hier noch ein Bild von der Orginalpostkarte. And here a picture from the original postcard.
Mittwoch, 2. November 2016
APC Vintage Photo
APC means Altered Playing Card. I did try to use up some scraps too and did add as focal point a scanned and printed photo from my greatgreat aunt.
Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2016
Neue Garderobe für die Papierpuppe / New wardrobe for the Paperdoll
Here the rainy weather arrived, so my Paperdoll needs a new wardrobe...
Dienstag, 25. Oktober 2016
Weihnachtskarten / Christmas cards
Yes I did change theme a little, from Halloween to Christmas... I love both and I have no problem to switch between both.
Auf meiner Webside findet ihr unter download eine pdf Datei mit den benötigten Materialien und Massen.
You will find on my webside the download button for the pdf file with the materials and the measurements
Und hier also das Video für Weihnachtskarten
And here the video for the Christmas cards
Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2016
Oktober Kunsttagebuch / Artjournal
Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2016
Halloween Fenster / Halloween window
I know it isn't a typical tradition in Switzerland, but I like it. So I have every year a newly decorated window in my studio.
Freitag, 23. September 2016
Kunsttagebuch / Artjournal Halloween
I use my Art Journal for leftover paints and I mop up sprays with the blanc layers from napkins. So this gonna be my background and then I gonna draw a witch for Halloween.Yes I love Halloween, also here in Switzerland it isn't that popular.
Mittwoch, 14. September 2016
12 Tage Halloween / 12 Days of Halloween ATC 2016 Give away and Swap
Another vidoe, this time about Halloween on ATC's. There is a chance for you to win one of the ATC's. Just leave a comment on Youtube, which would be your first, second and third choice.
Sonntag, 11. September 2016
My visit to a friends Hot Glass Studio
Ihr könnt Johanna Dozer rund um Phoenix in verschiedenen Ausstellungen sehen oder besucht ihre Website:
Here my video from a visit to my friends Hot Glass studio in Phoenix in January 2016. I know it only took me about ½ year to finish that video. LOL.
I did film with my Iphone, so the quality and the size isn't the usual format. I hope you enjoy anyway, me as a newbie in glass. No I won't go that route, I'm sure, way to hot.
You can find Johanna Dozer around Phoenix in several art shows. Or go to her website:
Mittwoch, 7. September 2016
Kunstagebuch / Journal page for Gauche Alchemy
I place a bubble of Happiness in my Journal page.
Mittwoch, 24. August 2016
Papieranziehpuppe / Dissasembled Paperdoll Swap
Do you remember those Paperdolls. As a child I loved to make clothes for them. If you like the idea check out my Facebookgroup Facethescraps.
Mittwoch, 17. August 2016
Minibuch für den Herbst #LoveAutumnArt - Autumn Minibook
and here my next minibook, I told you I love books...
Dienstag, 16. August 2016
Mixed Media altered Playing Card "French Lady"
And here my next video for the Facebookgroup Mixed Media Altered Playing Card
Dienstag, 9. August 2016
Anhänger aus Hellraumprojekter Folie /Art tag from Overhead foil
Here a video for the swap september 2016 for the Facebookgroup "Face the scraps", you can find the link down below. If you like Mixed Media, swaps and more you might consider to join.
Face the scraps
Montag, 8. August 2016
Minibuch als Schmuck / Minibook as jewelry
Yes I'm a bookalcoholic, any kind of books, books I buy, books I make myself and the newest a minibook as jewelery. I have been inspired by Marsha's Blog on Gauche Alchemy, here you can read it yourself.
Sie hat coole Ohrringe aus Farbstiften gemacht und hat sie auf einem Buch schön präsentiert. Aber hier nun mein Minibuch als Schmuck, ich hoffe es gefällt Euch.
She made some cool earrings with colored pencils and did take a nice picture on a book. So here my minybook Jewelery, I hope you like it.
Begonnen habe ich mit gewöhnlichem Computerpaper, dass ich gesprayt habe. Dann habe ich Streifen von ca 6,5 cm geschnitten und mit einem Textstempel leicht gestempelt.
I did start out with some ordinary computerpaper, which I have sprayed. I then did cut stripes 2,5 inch wide.
Nun habe ich den ganzen Stapel in ca 3,5 cm Streifen geschnitten, nicht super akkurat, aber es hat funktioniert.Als nächstes hab ich noch einige Ministempel gebraucht, nicht auf allen Seiten und passt auf das ihr die Schrift in der richtigen Richtung habt (ja ich hab es vermasselt und nochmal begonnen, na ja...
I did cut the whole stack in 1 1/4" signatures, not super accurat, but it worked for me. Next I did use some ministamp, not on all pages and by the way make sure that you have the script in the same direction, how I know ? oh well....
Ich hab 3 Signaturen mit 10 Seiten (5 Streifen gefaltet) gemacht und dann mit Hilfe einer kleinen Schablone die Löcher gemacht.
I made 3 signatures with 10 pages (5 strips folded in half), with a little template I made the holes for the sewing.
Für die Buchdeckel habe ich feine Pappe (Karton) ca, 4 x 8,5 cm gebraucht. Das ganze habe ich auf falsches Leder befestigt. Man könnte auch Stoffe nehmen.
I made from some light cardboard the cover for the book the size is 1 1/2 " x 3 1/4". I did put it on some faux leather, but you could use also fabric.
Ich hab die Signaturen, die Buchdeckel und das falsche Leder mit gewachster Leinen zusammengenäht. Als Alternative könnte man auch einen Stickfaden nehmen.
I did sew the signature, the bookcover and the faux leather together with waxed linen, instead you could also use some embroidery threads.
Damit sich die Buchdeckel besser falten lassen, hab ich entlang der Seiten ein Falz angebracht.
I did score along the pages so the bookcover can be folded easier.
Als nächstes habe ich das falsche Leder nach innen gefaltet und festgeklebt. Ich hab doppelseitiges Klebeband verwendet. Danach hab ich was zuviel war zurückgeschnitten.
Next I did fold the faux leather to the inner side and did glue it with some doublesided tape. I did also cut back any excess fabric.
Um das Buch an die Kette anzuhängen, hab ich Draht herumgewickelt und einen Ring geformt.
To attach the book I did wrap some wire around and made a loop.
Als Buchverschluss habe ich diese alten Korsetthaken verwendet.
As closure for the book I have used these old corset hooks.
Als letztes habe ich den Löwenkopf aus Polymerclay aufgeklebt und das Ganze noch patiniert.
Finally I added the lion's head from Polymerclay and did patina the whole thing.
Freitag, 5. August 2016
Minibuch für ATC's / Minibook for ATC's and more
hier das Vidoe über ein Minibuch für ATC's, Geschenkkarten und mehr. Übrigens unter könnt ihr das Buch auch erwerben. Ich hoffe in der nächsten Zeit mehr von meinen handgefertigen Sachen auf etsy zu posten.
here the video about a minialbum for ATC's, giftcards and more. By the way I hope to put up more handmade goodies in the next time on
Montag, 1. August 2016
ATC Under the Sea - Gauche Alchemy Designteam Project
And here my first project as designmember for Gauche Alchemy.
Samstag, 30. Juli 2016
Verschmitzte Katze, whimsical cat
And here another video in conjunction with the group Creative Art Collaboration. You can find more inspiration in Youtube with the hashtag #PawgustArt July 2016
Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2016
If you are interested in Mixed Media, crafting and more then come and join the fun in this group.
And if you need more inspiration go check the hashtag #starryJulynights on Youtube
A small card project this time, I hope you enjoy
Dienstag, 19. Juli 2016
Altered playing card Cat
A another little project for the Facebookgroup Mixed Media Altered Playing Cards. It is fun to come up with new ideas and I hope you enjoy too.
Dienstag, 5. Juli 2016
Mailart postcard Kunstpostkarte
It is summertime again, time for travel and sending postcards. Here a little different approach, we make them ourselves as little pieces of art.
Dienstag, 28. Juni 2016
Inkpad storage
Every color of stampad at the fingertip including some extras. That's my new storage system from cardboard and Lazy Susan from Ikea.
Montag, 20. Juni 2016
Altered Playing Card Magic Doll
Ich bin bei vielen Gruppen auf Facebook dabei, unter anderem auch bei Mixed Media Altered Playing Cards, ich stelle auch kleine Aufgaben (Prompts) für die anderen Mitglieder und mache ein Video dazu.
I did join several groups on Facebook, also the Mixed Media Altered Playing Cards, I do little prompts for thema and make a video for this prompt
Sonntag, 19. Juni 2016
#CACFlowerART - Swirly, Sketchy Rosecard
Also hab ich flux meine eigenen Rosen für Karten gemacht. Einige Reste von Aquarellpapier und etwas Acrylfarbe und Filzstifte für die Rosen. Für den Hintergrund habe ich eine Schablone und verschiedene Grün in Distressink verwendet.
Yes the roses are blooming right now, but I don't really see it. It is still raining, again raining or whatever...
So I decided to make my won Roses for some cards. Some leftover watercolor paper, a little bit of acrylicpaint and markers for the roses. For the background I used a stencil and Distress ink in several shades of green.
Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2016
Art Journal Page
"Blumenkunst" und eine Redewendung von Mutter Teresa hat inspiriert. Ich hoffe Euch gefällt das Video.
With all that rain we had lately, the theme for the Creative Art Collaboration seemed to be perfect. And then I did also find that quote in my Facebook Timeline.
So Flower Art and a quote from Mother Theresa made this Journal page. I hope you enjoy the video.
Samstag, 11. Juni 2016
Artjournal Background my way
Ich hab schon lange nichts mehr gepostet, versuche mit all den Social Media am Ball zu bleiben. Aber es gibt leider nur mehr Stunden am Tag (ich behaupte manchmal 25 Stunden....) Das Gute es gibt immer mehr Apps die einiges automatisieren.